Telepath RPG Wiki
Battle (Telepath RPG 1)

Battle (Telepath RPG 1)

A Battle Condition is a variable determining the starting or ending conditions for a battle.

Starting Conditions[]

  • Offensive - The player goes first.
  • Defensive - The enemy goes first.
  • Team - The Hero fights alongside his team.
  • Solo - The Hero fights alone.

Ending Conditions[]

Win Conditions[]

  • Defeat All - The player wins when all of the enemies on the battlefield are defeated.
  • Defeat Boss - The player wins when the boss is defeated.
  • Capture - The player wins when he captures a special space on the battlefield.
  • Survive - The player wins by simply going a certain number of turns without losing.
  • Capture Boss - The player wins once every enemy but the boss is killed, and the boss is brought below half its maximum health. (If the boss is killed, the player loses!)

Lose Conditions[]

  • Hero Dies - The player loses if the Hero dies.
  • Guard Person - The player loses if a certain unit other than the Hero is killed.
  • Guard Place - The player loses if the enemy captures a special space on the battlefield.
  • Countdown - The player loses by simply going a certain number of turns without winning.

Other Conditions[]

  • Flight Square - A designated space can allow the player to escape the fight.

All maps are either Team or Solo, and are either Offensive or Defensive. (Most maps are Offensive Team maps.)

All maps have Hero Dies as a lose condition and Defeat All as a win condition (except when Capture Boss condition is in place: if the boss is killed, the player loses), although additional win or lose conditions may exist on top of these.
